Building and preserving the masjid remains the Prophetic tradition of every Muslim community, and so UEN welfare Trust works hard therefore to construct or renovate as many as it can. Alhamdulillah, it’s UEN’s dream and vision to build and renovates masjids in remote communities across Ghana. Each new masjid built in the future through your generous support will run a maktab, offering a place where poor young children can learn Islam as it has been traditionally taught throughout the country .
The Masjid is an indispensable pillar of the Islamic community – a centre for supplication and worship as well as essential community events, spiritual development and social gatherings. Many Muslims across the world rely on their local Masjid's for these reasons however, not every Muslim community is fortunate enough to have access to a nearby Masjid with all the necessary facilities and amenities.
We are on a mission to change that, and with the ongoing support of our generous contributors, we can continue to build new Masjid's alongside renovating existing dilapidated buildings and giving the communities are new lease of life.
A dedicated place in which to pray, read and recite the Holy Qur’an and nourish your soul is essential however, Muslim communities in the developing world do not always have this option. Donating to our Build a Masjid campaign will help to provide a blessed Majid for our brothers and sisters across Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, ensuring that they can join the global Ummah in experiencing the joy of worship and community that a Masjid brings.
Our Build a Masjid campaign isn’t just about constructing new Masjid's. Thanks to the continued kindness of our donors, we can also renovate existing Masjid's, providing valuable new facilities and amenities that benefit entire communities.
It is a amazing experience to go to the Masjid regularly to pray alongside your brothers and sisters. Now, you can give less fortunate Muslims the same experience by helping us to renovate Masjid's that would otherwise be left out of use.
How we are helping
Over the years, we have been providing support to many poorer areas in Northern Ghana And the support and building of religious institutions which have now become central pillars of their communities. Each building we tend to construct or renovate is designed or renovated in accordance with the communities existing needs with capacity for expansion should it be required.
Build a Masjid in this world and secure your residence of it’s like, in the next.