Our Initiatives
Clean Water
support Initiative
Public Toilet
support Initiative
support Initiative
support Initiative
Medical Support And Outreach
support Initiative
VERTSEN is fundamentally about people: the clients we serve, the people we employ and the community we support. It is with this underlying principle of service that we have organized the fundamental values of our firm.
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VERTSEN is fundamentally about people: the clients we serve, the people we employ and the community we support. It is with this underlying principle of service that we have organized the fundamental values of our firm.
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VERTSEN is fundamentally about people: the clients we serve, the people we employ and the community we support. It is with this underlying principle of service that we have organized the fundamental values of our firm.
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VERTSEN is fundamentally about people: the clients we serve, the people we employ and the community we support. It is with this underlying principle of service that we have organized the fundamental values of our firm.
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  UEN Feeds   A non profit organization established to assist and create opportunities for the less privileged in our communities
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  • UEN Partnerships
    By partnering with UEN, you can make a difference to marginalised communities all over the world who have missed out on education due to discrimination, conflict or extreme poverty.
    Partner with us
    By partnering with Undaglow Empowerment Network you will be helping us to continue delivering life changing educational projects that transform lives.

    Here are just some of the benefits your company could see by partnering with UEN:

    * Meet your corporate social responsibility objectives
    * Motivate staff
    * Encourage team building
    * Reach new audiences and drive sales
    * Positive PR
    * Increase brand profile
      Collaborating     Partners  

    Our Inclusiveness
    Connectiong With Communities To Help

    We will work with others to help the world’s needy, regardless of race, gender, age, creed or nationality, color, political affiliation, gender or belief.


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    Thank You For Your Donation
    By partnering with Undaglow Empowerment Network, you will be helping us to continue delivering life changing community projects that transform lives. We appreciate every bit of donation.
    Terms & Conditions Apply
    Thank You For Your Donation. We Appreciate you for your support
    Water is life.
    UEN and Undaglow Group being able to provide portable clean water to the Nkwanta North and South communities
    UEN Partnerships
    By partnering with Undaglow Empowerment Network, you will be helping us to continue delivering life changing community projects that transform lives. We appreciate every bit of donation.
    Terms & Conditions Apply
    Clean Water

    Clean Water Project
    Communities With Safe Drinking Water

    Undaglow empowerment Network works with communities to install and rehabilitate hand-dug wells and boreholes. After a project is completed, we offer maintenance training to community members who will assume responsibility for upkeep.. 
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    Toilet Projects

    Community Public Toilet
    Bio Digestor Public Toilets

    Properly built latrines greatly reduce the spread of waterborne disease and prevent diarrhea, one of the leading causes of death among children.
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    Support Projects

    Educational Support
    Education makes the world of difference

    Education is a fundamental right, and a matter of justice. Girls' education and women's leadership are also key to tackling our most pressing global challenges. Together, we can ignite the world-changing power of girls’ education: Education makes the world of difference, UEN runs practical education projects, supporting adults living in poverty to have a new start.
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    Support Projects

    Agricultural Support
    Food support for all

    Families engaged in subsistence farming often live in chronic poverty and malnutrition, lacking the skills to get the most out of their small patches of land. Others have seen their livelihoods wiped out by drought, disaster, or war. Through our Animals, Agriculture, and Livelihoods programmes, Samaritan's Purse has helped to provide thousands of impoverished farmers, herders, and fishermen around the world with the resources and training they need to feed their families and even obtain a modest income that can be used for education, medical care, or other needs.
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    Support Projects

    Medical Support & Outreach

    We often supporting the most vulnerable in our community, such as children and the elderly. Our work is providing both physically and emotionally healthcare assistance, It is important that we look after the poor and needy and ensure they too are healthy and safe.
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    UEN Mosque
    Building Fund

    UEN Mosque Building Fund

    Building and preserving the masjid remains the Prophetic tradition of every Muslim community, and so UEN welfare Trust works hard therefore to construct or renovate as many as it can. Alhamdulillah, it’s UEN’s dream and vision to build and renovates masjids in remote communities across Ghana. Each new masjid built in the future through your generous support will run a maktab, offering a place where poor young children can learn Islam as it has been traditionally taught throughout the country .

    The Masjid is an indispensable pillar of the Islamic community – a centre for supplication and worship as well as essential community events, spiritual development and social gatherings. Many Muslims across the world rely on their local Masjid's for these reasons however, not every Muslim community is fortunate enough to have access to a nearby Masjid with all the necessary facilities and amenities.

    We are on a mission to change that, and with the ongoing support of our generous contributors, we can continue to build new Masjid's alongside renovating existing dilapidated buildings and giving the communities are new lease of life.
    A dedicated place in which to pray, read and recite the Holy Qur’an and nourish your soul is essential however, Muslim communities in the developing world do not always have this option. Donating to our Build a Masjid campaign will help to provide a blessed Majid for our brothers and sisters across Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, ensuring that they can join the global Ummah in experiencing the joy of worship and community that a Masjid brings.

    Our Build a Masjid campaign isn’t just about constructing new Masjid's. Thanks to the continued kindness of our donors, we can also renovate existing Masjid's, providing valuable new facilities and amenities that benefit entire communities.

    It is a amazing experience to go to the Masjid regularly to pray alongside your brothers and sisters. Now, you can give less fortunate Muslims the same experience by helping us to renovate Masjid's that would otherwise be left out of use.

    How we are helping

    Over the years, we have been providing support to many poorer areas in Northern Ghana And the support and building of religious institutions which have now become central pillars of their communities. Each building we tend to construct or renovate is designed or renovated in accordance with the communities existing needs with capacity for expansion should it be required.

    Build a Masjid in this world and secure your residence of it’s like, in the next.


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    UEN Wheel
    Chair Appeal

    UEN Wheel Chair Appeal

    Delivering equality and independence to the elderly and disabled
    Millions of people are currently facing severe disability discrimination across the globe, especially in developing countries where there is a lack of education. Many physically disabled people don’t have the resources to buy a wheelchair that is appropriate for their needs.

    With 80% of all disabled people in developing countries living in poverty, we need your help to give them hope.
    Your donation of a wheelchair will help the beneficiary to integrate into society by attending school, going to work, becoming a productive member of the community and improve the quality of their lives. Those who are bedridden are also given the gift of mobility, their self-confidence is improved giving them a fighting chance to live a fuller life.

    One Wheelchair
    Provides a single new wheelchair to the elderly or disabled in a poor community

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    Five Walking Aids

    Gives the gift of mobility to 5 elderly or disabled people through a range of walking aids
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    How we are helping
    UEN has positioned itself to work with health organizations, corporate bodies, companies and communities in the poorest parts of Ghana to locate struggling elderly and disabled people to provide mobility solutions and help in changing lives for the better.

    Please help one of 10million people currently struggling to adapt to an uncompromising society in Ghana by giving the gift of a wheelchair. Without your assistance, more people will be deprived of the help they deserve.

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    Lidra Limited
    Lidra Limited is a civil engineering and General contraction company incorporated under the companies Act, 1963(Act 179) in 1985, by the late former Vice President of Ghana, Alhaji Aliu Mahama. We are authorized to carry out civil engineering & construction designs, supervision and Project Management. Lidra strive to put in place strategic measures which will enable us to explore and understand the new trends and services we offer to our clients. Our aim is to make an impeccable impact in the construction, Engineering, Project Management & Construction industry, to give as a competitive edge in this business terrain. In order to continue to thrive and survive as a business in the next ten years and beyond, we must look beyond and understand the trends that will shape our business to meet all the challenges in the global market. Our goal is to create a long term path for our business which will always allow us to have the competitive edge and to increase the company's market share at all times while providing the best services for our customers.

    To safely deliver any project, any time, in any environment for the benefit of our customers and employees and the communities we serve.

    To be a world class Contractors, Engineers and Employer of Choice by safely and consistently delivering successful and innovative capital projects and services across Ghana and West Africa.
    Aliu Mahama foundation
    The Aliu Mahama Foundation is an NGO established on the beliefs and principles of the late Former Vice President of Ghana, Alhaji Aliu Mahama.
    The foundation which focuses on skills development and poverty alleviation has over the years supported over ten thousand of Ghanaians through initiatives such as Zongo Lafia, My Health Behind Bars, Entrepreneurial Skills Development, among others.
    Aliu Mahama Foundation was established in memory of former Vice President, Alhaji Aliu Mahama to work to sustain his legacy of a disciplined society as well as empower people economically amongst others. Head porters, commonly called ‘kayayei’, could soon be benefitting from a special initiative to provide them with more decent ways of earning a living.
    The Aliu Mahama Foundation has worked with the Council for Technical and Vocational Training to roll out the project.
    Chairman of the Aliu Mahama 5th Anniversary Planning Committee, Gabby Asare Okyere-Darko believes such initiative will reduce north-south migration for non-existing jobs.
    AFS Engineers & Contractors Limited is a joint partnership owned company incorporated under the companies Act, 1963(Act 179) in 2014. We are authorized to carry out civil engineering & construction designs, supervision and Project Management. AFS strive to put in place strategic measures which will enable us to explore and understand the new trends and services we offer to our clients. Our aim is to make an impeccable impact in the construction, Engineering, Project Management & Construction industry, to give as a competitive edge in this business terrain. In order to continue to thrive and survive as a business in the next ten years and beyond, we must look beyond and understand the trends that will shape our business to meet all the challenges in the global market. Our goal is to create a long term path for our business which will always allow us to have the competitive edge and to increase the company's market share at all times while providing the best services for our customers.

    To safely deliver any project, any time, in any environment for the benefit of our customers and employees and the communities we serve.

    To be a world class Contractors, Engineers and Employer of Choice by safely and consistently delivering successful and innovative capital projects and services across Ghana and West Africa.

    Undaglow Co. Ltd. is a privately owned company incorporated under the companies code 1963(Act179) in 2008, with subsidiaries in building & construction and General Supplies as our initial core business. We've been able to expand our operations to Janitorial, cleaning and hygiene supplies, General Trading, courier services, Real estate and import & export. At Undaglow, our vision is to become a recognized industry leader in every aspect of business we operate in. Our focus and intent is to sustain and improve our competitive strength and long term market position through creating customer value. The group strives to service all customers commensurate with the desired quality of service so as to provide value for money and boosting the group’s reputation with our partners, businesses and institutions we conduct business with. Undaglow will continue with the development of its current holdings and will move forward, employing strategic alliances, as it looks for opportunities to increase its footprint in Ghana.

    Our Vision
    Our vision is to become the recognized industry leader in every aspect of business we operate in.

    Our Mission
    To constantly strive to implement the critical initiatives required to achieve our vision by delivering excellence in every sector of the company and to meet or exceed our commitments to the many areas we service
    Golden logistic and Engineering is a privately owned mining and engineering company incorporated under the companies code, 1963 (Act179) in 2011. We also offer equipment rental and engineering services to our clients

    To be the primary advocate of the mining industry through promoting sound mining services at all levels of the sector and educating the miners about the benefits of mining and supporting the sustainability of a safe and responsible mining industry.

    To be the premier mining company and leader of value creation in the industry. Values Excellence Integrity Accountability

    Undaglow construction was incorporated under the Ghana Companies Act in 2012. The company has been licensed by the Ministry of water and Housing as a general building and civil works under category D2K2. It also holds category A3B4 license from the Ministry of Road and Highways.

    At Undaglow Contractors, we believe the success of any project depends upon a strong builder-client relationship and a commitment to establishing common goals and objectives from the start. Our services are distinctive because they are continue our adaptability and the solid communication between branches mean we deliver results against all odds and external challenge having the top most educated engineers in both Mechanical and Electrical fields, undaglow contractors is dedicated to making sure you are satisfied no matter how large or small the project is.

    Unaglow Contractors focuses on what society really needs and pays special attention to the environment and communities.

    • Road Construction
    • Civil Engineering
    • General construction works
    • Renovations
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Project management & supervision
    • Designs
    • Building management system

    VERTSEN is fundamentally about people: the clients we serve, the people we employ and the community we support. It is with this underlying principle of service that we have organized the fundamental values of our firm. From the onset, we gear our client agreements in a manner which aligns the architect's interests with those of the client.

    We engage the participation of our client throughout the design process to not only solve a problem but to arrive at the best possible solution. We have the knowledge, experience and capacity to execute large, complex projects and are frequently called upon to manage all aspects of the design and construction process.

    It is through our candid approach to each project and our project ownership mentality that we have earned the trust and endorsement of our clients.

    Higer Bus Company Limited, known as "HIGER Bus", was founded in 1998. Over the past two decades, we have conducted arduous exploration and made painstaking efforts, built a 750,000-square-meter modern bus manufacturing base, achieved annual sales of over RMB 10 billion, and exported buses to over 130 countries and regions in the world, thus opening up a path of sustainable and rapid development. We have won titles including "Chinese Famous Trademark", "Chinese Famous Brand" and "National Product Exempt from Export Inspection", was ranked among "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" for the 15th consecutive year with brand value of 66.5 billion yuan, and has become China's fastest-growing bus manufacturer, a national bus export base enterprise and one of China's Top 100 Informatized Enterprises.
    ARI Medical is a professional provider of medical equipment and solutions in China, we are dedicated to providing one-stop solution of medical equipment with more than 20 years’ experience. ARI combines the manufacture, research & development and distribution of medical equipment into one entity and includes three factories. Our headquarters locates in Hefei City, Anhui province. Production base locates in Anhui, Jiangsu and Guangdong province, which are the most important zones of medical industry in China.

    Since its establishment, the group has adhered to corporate culture featuring "harmonious, enterprising and jointly prosperous" in a bid to build an efficient team and learning organization.Therefore, as early as 2007, ARI has established an effective manufacture system and management system. Now we have three modern manufacturing facilities in Anhui, Jiangsu and Guangdong, covering more than 50,000 square meters. Our factories are in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO13485 quality system requirements. Such products we manufactured, the quality has been approved and obtained several international standards as CE, FDA, ISO, AAMI-SD09: 2002. Their performance has reached advanced level in the world.

    Amrta is a professional manufacturer of air conditioning products and solutions,including customized as well as many standard chillers, unitary, and terminals. Amrta utilizes smart design, and high quality electronic and mechanical components to insure long lasting performance.
    Amrta specializes in the most efficient employment of cooling technology, working with customers’ design and engineering teams to create the products that exactly matches requirements and specifications for various applications.

    We work every day to make the world a better place to live, work and play. Our employees, products and services create comfortable, productive and healthy environments
    Amrta- a value driven manufacturer that delivers practical engineering solutions with superior customer focus and support.
    Designed to Perform. Built to Last.
    FRONTIER SECURITY SERVICES LTD is registered with the Registrar General Department and we have the license issued by the Ministry of Interior to operate as a private security organization.  Frontier security will like to assure our potential clients that we work hard towards providing highly qualified, customer oriented, that's our number one goal. We operate at the highest standards in the security industry. We take pride in providing superior recruitment, extensive background checks and vigorous training programs to our officers.
    At Frontier Security service, we believe in being pro-active, that's why our supervision department is made up of exceptional individual to oversee, train and assist all our field officers. We look forward to exceeding your expectations as of the security industry, today and in the future. By meeting all our clients’ needs we are able to achieve and maintain an extraordinarily high degree of customer satisfaction.
    Amana Limited is a privately-owned wholly Ghanaian company incorporated in 2005. Amana Haulage and Transport Limited is an emerging and successful transport company in Ghana. Our success has been accomplished by virtue of the principles and beliefs of efficiency and quality delivery which we believe must be permeate of the entire organization

    Amana Transport and haulage operates throughout the length and breath of Ghana. We transport commodities like Crude, Products Fertilizers, Chemical and Consumables with the country.

    To meet the demand of our customers through the provision of safe and efficient transport service to our clients.

    The vision of our company is to effectively develop road transport and haulage service that will benefit our clients and support other stakeholders for the development of the country.

    Vertsen security is registered with the Registrar General Department and we have the license issued by the Ministry of Interior to operate as a private security organization.  Vertsen security will like to assure our potential clients that we work hard towards providing highly qualified, customer oriented, that's our number one goal. We operate at the highest standards in the security industry. We take pride in providing superior recruitment, extensive background checks and vigorous training programs to our officers.

    At Vertsen Security service, we believe in being pro-active, that's why our supervision department is made up of exceptional individual to oversee, train and assist all our field officers. We look forward to exceeding your expectations as of the security industry, today and in the future. By meeting all our clients’ needs we are able to achieve and maintain an extraordinarily high degree of customer satisfaction.